Homestead Bartering

will cook for food It sounds like a bit of a crazy hippie idea, but bartering is an important part of homesteading.

Cash is sometimes hard to come by  because many homesteading families like ours choose to live on less income. In a city, everyone doesn't have the space to make everything a homestead can produce so we share. In lieu of real money, I can trade the use of tools, home canned goods, produce in season, writing and social media services and private cooking classes for things I want.

How We Barter

Sometimes I send out a call for things we need via Twitter, Facebook, or friends. Other times, I notice people with a need and make an offer.

We negotiate a little bit to be sure that everyone feels that they are entering into a fair deal. Barter is casual for me; thus far I've only relied on personal communication as a contract.

I work hard to hold up my end of the deal and then some. I always try to exceed the expectations of people I trade with because I hope to maintain good relationships.

What We Barter

The cider press is something I frequently offer to others. I've been paid in good company, excess cider, and laundry detergent.

I will almost always work for food. Occasionally I trade blog post reviews for food samples (always disclosed, of course). Last spring, I staffed the Swainway booth at the Clintonville Farmer's Market for a flat of someday-food: produce seedlings. I trained on Section 8 Yakitorium's grill in exchange for boats of delicious Japanese food.

I traded homegrown and homemade food for the new Hounds in the Kitchen logo design by Allie Lehman. Cliff Adams of LinKen Web Development is assisting with the design of the new site in exchange for cooking lessons. I can't wait to show you all this bartered work!

Wanna barter?

Make me an offer! Trading is more personal and fun than cash retail.


PS. Happy Martin Luther King Day. Today we'll do our usual creating, living and eating with Dr. King's message of peace and tolerance in mind. We'll read our copy of My Brother Martin and listen to this, my favorite protest song for kids: