It's That Time Again

vegetable displayI am surprised every summer when I become so busy I can scarcely think. But here I am again, surrounded by the bounty of the growing season and the resultant canning projects, classes, tours, and events. Check out this week:

Saturday (yesterday): Work at Clintonville Farmers' Market, attend Veggie U Food and Wine Celebration Sunday: Visit Eshelman Farm, process some of their peaches, plums, and apricots Monday: Begin sustainable pork tour Tuesday: Continue sustainable pork tour, begin volunteer leadership role at Ohio 4-H International Program Orientation for 100 Japanese youth and adults Wednesday: Orientation all day Thursday: Alex's Birthday! Orientation in morning, work at New Albany Farmers' Market in afternoon Friday: Homeschool evaluation, can peaches (I hope they last this long!) Saturday: Work Clintonville Farmers' Market, celebrate Alex's birthday Sunday: Visit Ohio State Fair for 4-H International Day

I have taken and will continue to snap lots of pictures but barely have a second to check email and work for clients, let alone write a blog post. They will come - inspirations from the Veggie U event, a review of the orchard, pictures of the adorable Japanese youth, and impressions from the pork tour. I hope to finish and introduce you to a recipe index soon too.

If Henry David Thoreau is correct that “success usually comes to those who are too busy to be looking for it,” you will see me make it big soon.