Super Mom Makes Homemade Mayo {Video Recipe}

homemade mayonnaise recipe video One dark and stormy night, tragedy struck the Hound household. Sweet Lil wanted to make tuna salad but there was no mayonnaise in the house. "Help!", the selective eater cried out, unable to eat plain tuna or the delicious meal her parents cooked.

Super Mom heard her cries and rushed to the rescue!

With forearms of steel and patience for pouring, Super Mom cracked an egg, squeezed a lemon, and began whisking. Streaming oil into her potion, Super Mom transformed the three liquids into a semi-solid sauce: mayonnaise!

A few days later, Super Mom taught Lil how to make homemade mayo herself so she would never be helpless again. Kudos to intern Cami for capturing and editing the moment.

With a little practice, you too can gain the Mayo Master badge of honor and be able to create the delightful emulsion at a moment's notice! You could employ the use of a blender, but every true super hero knows how to make mayonnaise by hand.

Have you made mayo recently? How did it turn out?

PS. Join Super Mom (that's me) on Mother's Day for a class revealing all my secrets for homemade condiments at Franklin Park Conservatory. Space is limited and every participant goes home with a jar of mayo, mustard, or ketchup!

Handmade Mayonnaise Makes: about one cup Time: 5-10 minutes

1 fresh egg yolk (use a pasteurized egg if you're worried about salmonella) 1/2 fresh lemon 1/2 - 1 cup oil (use any lightly flavored oil) 1/2-1 teaspoon salt

1. Pour egg yolk into a clean medium mixing bowl. 2. Juice lemon into bowl and whisk the yolk and juice together. 3. While continuing to whisk, add one teaspoon (or one slight pour) oil and whisk until incorporated. Repeat with several more teaspoons. 4. Slowly begin increasing the amount of oil, whisking continuously. The mixture will begin to change color towards a lighter yellow and develop a stiffer texture. 5. Continue whisking and adding oil until you reach the texture of mayonnaise. Stir in salt. 6. Store in a clean container in the fridge for 2-3 days.