Garden Goals for 2009

Last year we made five raised beds in our tiny urban backyard.  We had success growing green beans, peas, carrots, tomatoes, squash, potatoes, broccoli, and greens. We want to maintain these beds and do the following in 2009:

1) Move compost bin outside fence so dogs can't dig in it Alex did this today today!

2) Put two dwarf fruit trees or berries where compost bin was located

3) Add 2x5 raised bed for tomatoes

4) Rip out daylilies and plant squash next to garage

5) Start seeds indoors (which means we need to get on this now!)

6) Seed shade grass where dogs have torn up grass

7) Plant hops on trellis or sunflowers around air conditioner to shade deck and screen ugly AC unit

8) Replace rain barrel on back of house

9) Add playhouse for Lil (not exactly garden plan, but I really want one!!)

10) Share tools/ideas and help our new neighbor establish her garden

11) Continue adding perennials to the front yard until we have no more grass on the hill

12) Build a handrail (due March 31 so my mother with recently replaced knee can safely walk up the steps!)

13) Build and install a bat box.

Below is a .pdf of our garden plans made through  There's a cool 'when to plant' feature and also a user forum for gardening help.  I like that we can log garden activities from year to year and hopefully this will make us more efficient gardeners overall.  I can't figure out how to save this as an image, but I'm working on it.


What are your plans?