Thanksgiving Recipe Roundup {Friday Five}

Is your Thanksgiving menu finalized? My mother is hosting dinner this year so Alex and I are responsible for very little. We're bringing a charcuterie platter for the appetizer, brussels sprouts (probably pan roasted with homemade bacon) and Alex's dressing.

If your menu isn't full of family traditions, here are five suggestions for seasonal but unique additions to the table:

1)Buffie Wellies - a tasty rich buffalo appetizer 2) Cranbellini - Add one ounce of cranberry liqueur (yes, there's still time to make it!) to the bottom of a champagne flute. Top with sparkling wine and serve a fruity ruby red cocktail during appetizers 3) Mushroom Pie - vegetarian entree or earthy side dish 4) Cranberry Bread - an easy way to use cranberries other than sauce 5) Turkey Stock - even though we aren't cooking the bird this year, I hope we can claim the carcass for stock making.

Are you hosting or contributing to Thanksgiving dinner? If so, what will you make? Feel free to link recipes in the comments.