Feast Week November 21, 2011 {Meal Plan}

fridge before thanksgivingIngredients and Inspiration

  • This is the week of at least three feasts for our family.
  • Our fridge is full of chicken stock, brussels sprouts, and charcuterie for our contribution to Thursday's meal.
  • I have five or six pie pumpkins to process into puree this week. I'll give some to pie-makers and freeze the rest.
  • To make the stock this weekend, we cooked several small chickens and picked off the meat. We froze some and need to eat the rest.

Meal Plan Monday - chicken soup with dumplings Tuesday - chicken burritos Wednesday - baked potatoes with broccoli and cheese, salads Thursday - turkey dinner at my parents' house with 20+ family members Friday - Alex hunting, dinner TBA Saturday - lunch and dinner at relatives' homes in Napoleon, Ohio Sunday - leftovers