Starting Saved Seeds

starting saved seeds Julia Child has been hanging out in an envelope in my seed box since August 2010. I saved her seeds from a sexy homegrown tomato and they laid in wait through a couple disappointing gardening seasons until now. I planted sixteen taupe seeds still stuck to their drying paper towel in two rows. After five days under lights and warmed by an electric mat, my old friend is back! I can't wait to see her luscious pink fruits this summer.

Seed saving is a commitment not of money but time and care. Seeds must be isolated from the best ripe fruit, dried, labeled and stored. In an age where companies create disposable versions of everything, making time to save seeds is practically defiant.

Starting saved seeds is also a political act. Seed savers declare "I don't believe you can patent a living thing". We perpetuate characteristics adapted to the microclimate of our individual location, something no mega-seed company can reproduce. We sustain diverse varieties of vegetables and flowers that otherwise might be lost to the perceived convenience of standardization.

I pledge to grow more saved seeds and save more than ever before this year. Will you join me? I'll share tips for success and overcoming challenges along the way.