MLK Meal Plan: January 17, 2011

martin luther king day celebration "I have a dream that my four little children will one day live in a nation where they will not be judged by the color of their skin, but by the content of their character." - Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Alex and I chatted with Lillian about the work of Martin Luther King today.  She has yet to notice race independently but we are quick to talk about differences in people's bodies (skin color, weight, etc.) as something natural and normal.  We are fortunate to have a wide variety of friends that demonstrate how skin color makes no difference in how families and friends love each other.

We read one of my favorite books for kids about Dr. King, My Brother Martin, by Christine King Farris.  Through the magic of youtube, we pulled up a video of the 1963 I Have A Dream speech and a lovely protest song, If You Miss Me From The Back of the Bus.  I feel fortunate to raise my child in a world where racial equality is a protected right.

Weekly Meal Plan

I'm going to write about the Pantry Month in another post soon.  We're eating well this week but saying no to so many things at the grocery store was hard today!

Monday - bison, potato, carrot stew

Tuesday - kale and dragon tongue bean soup, pumpkin cake or muffins

Wednesday - homemade chorizo tacos, refried beans, salad for Rachel's family

Thursday - pasta baked with veggies and mozzarella for friends

This weekend, my parents are treating the family to a weekend at Stahl's Farm Vacation in Bladensburg, Ohio.  We are sharing meal duties, with Alex and I assigned to Saturday dinner.

Friday -  Mom and Dad

Saturday - Pork tamales, chips and guacamole, black beans, and rice

Sunday - french onion soup and salad for Alex's parents

Harvesting Dragon Tongue Bush Beans

basket of home grown dragon tongue beansWe're harvesting beans, baskets of beautiful yellow and purple striped beans.

row of home grown dragon tongue beans

These heirloom dragon tongue beans are a bush bean, meaning they do not need to be trellised.  They grow down towards the soil hiding under wide umbrella leaves.

dragon tongue beans on homegrown plant

The beans can be cooked fresh.  Sadly they lose their beautiful coloration, cooking to a light yellow color.  They have a buttery taste with a crisp texture, making them delicious steamed or added to stir fries.

The pods can also be left to dry on the vine.  When the seedpods are shriveled, pick them and allow them to dry further on a cookie cooling rack.  Remove the pod and dry the speckled beans further on a rack on top of the fridge or in another dry place.  Store in an airtight container when they are completely dry.  Beans can be kept dry this way for up to a year or made into the best beans and rice ever.

Are you growing beans this year?  What's your favorite variety to grow or eat?